A Day in the Life - Matamoros

Life in a children’s home children’s home can come with a lot of stereotypes and preconceived notions about what it might be like to live there, and since Big Heart Matamoros is a new addition to the family, you might be curious about what life is like here. So, let’s shed some light on Big Heart Matamoros.

A typical school day starts off with uniforms, quick breakfast and household chores. Keeping the house clean while you live on a ranch is a task in itself. So, daily upkeep on the cleaning is a must.

Then it is off to school on the other side of the ranch. We have the privilege to have a school on our grounds, so no excuses for being late to school! Lunch is served hot, and we all eat together, staff and kids. But before the kids get fed physically, they get fed spiritually. As a group they all recite a memory verse that changes every week. They do this before every meal, not just lunch time. It helps to keep our mindset on who really fills us and teaches the kids to memorize scripture daily.

After school is out at 3pm, it’s homework then chores time. As of right now, we have 2 horses, 2 cows, 3 pigs, 20+ chickens, 4 quail, 60+ sheep, 3 dogs, and a pet pig that thinks it is a dog. Not to mention the stray cat that wonders around, too. So, there’s plenty of work to be done. The boys and girls take turns every other day cleaning up stables and feeding the animals. We want to teach the kids responsibility, to take care of the home they live in, and to try out new skills as opportunities arise.

But once chores are done, it is play time. We have a playroom with pingpong, foosball, air hockey, and crafting supplies that the kids can hang out in. A lot of times, a soccer game gets started out in our field. We’ve been known to have a bonfire on the weekends every once in a while, too. It’s really just a time for kids to be kids.

Then it’s dinner with all of the kids and staff. Cleanup changes daily, making sure everyone pitches in throughout the week. Then it’s shower time, and the most peaceful time of the day: devotions. We all sit down together, and one staff member leads the devotional for that night. Then we give everyone a chance to share something they are grateful for and if they want prayer for something. Then a prayer to end the day together and we all go to bed.

Maybe it’s what you expected, maybe it’s different. At Big Heart Matamoros, it’s a whole different lifestyle. Being surrounded by open air and animals gives a different perspective on life and helps you see God in a different way too. The staff and kids that are under our care get to experience God in nature daily and get to see His beautiful creation firsthand. It’s hard work but rewarding in every way.

-Rachel (Matamoros Staff)


A Testimony from the Mountains